Case Study

How a physical therapy clinic generated $1.8k/week in new appointments using Penciled’s AI agents

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Whitney, a Penciled AI agent for waitlists, helped Renew PT fill 17 canceled appointments a week by automating text and phone conversations with patients.

About the client 💼

Renew Physical Therapy has five clinics throughout California with a San Francisco office conveniently located on Commercial Street. Five highly specialized physical therapists treat approximately 200 patients per week in their SF office.

Their clinic director, Nicole Sabes, and her team are laser-focused on maximizing efficiency and making it possible for patients to get the care they need. For example, their team uses Weave, a patient engagement software, to streamline texts and calls to patients during and after hours.

Pain 😪

In physical therapy, the industry-standard cancellation and no-show rate is 20.6%. At Renew PT, filling in last-minute cancellations was a time-consuming task for their front office. When an appointment needed to be filled, Renew PT staff would manually identify patients available to come in on that day. The clinic leveraged Weave’s notes feature to store waitlist data for individual patients.

After gathering a list of patients, staff would message each patient individually on Weave, and manually respond to patients back and forth. If a patient confirmed an appointment, they would schedule the appointment in the EHR and message the remaining patients that the appointment was taken.

If an appointment slot remained vacant, the physical therapist would use that downtime to assist front office staff by messaging their patients on Weave, hoping to fill upcoming vacancies and prevent future downtime. Effectively, due to the time intensiveness of last-minute cancellations, this work could spill over into the clinician's hands.

Product 💻

After learning about Penciled’s AI agents, Nicole Sabes and her team identified a clear use case for their waitlist. When an appointment opened up, the AI agent would automatically contact all of the patients on the waitlist who were available for that day. First, the agent would text all patients simultaneously and continuously respond to each patient until the appointment was reserved. If 10 minutes passed without filling the appointment, the agent would call each patient sequentially. Whitney, Penciled’s AI agent for waitlists, was born.

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Example of a real waitlist run executed by Whitney, a Penciled AI agent, to fill a specific appointment from Renew PT with patient information redacted.

Example of a conversation between Whitney, a Penciled AI agent, and a waitlist patient to fill an appointment canceled the morning before.

Metrics 📊

Within the first week of launching, Whitney booked 17 new appointments for Renew PT’s SF office. In total, Whitney sent 37 text messages and read 49 incoming text messages.

Number of texts sent and received by Whitney, a Penciled AI agent, within the first week at Renew Physical Therapy.


Whitney booked 17 new appointments. With an industry-average revenue of $97.50 per appointment, Renew PT generated approximately $1,657.5 within the first week by filling last-minute cancellations with Whitney.

Appointments booked (17) and revenue generated ($1674.50) by Whitney, a Penciled AI agent, for Renew Physical Therapy in the first week.

For each outbound text sent, we estimate that front office staff would have spent approximately 2 minutes drafting and sending each message. We estimate that staff would have spent about 1 minute reading messages. For each inbound message, we estimate that staff would have lost approximately 3 minutes due to context-switching between software and multi-tasking between simultaneous patient communications. We estimated that it took the front office staff 15 minutes to manually construct a list of patients who were listed as available for a given appointment slot.

Number of outbound text messages: 37

Number of inbound text messages: 49

Time saved identifying patients to contact: 17 appointments * 15 minutes = 255 minutes

Time saved on outbound text messages: 37 messages * 2 minutes = 74 minutes

Time saved on inbound text messages: 49 messages * (1 minute reading + 3 minutes context-switching) = 196 minutes

Within the first week, Whitney saved the front office 525 minutes, or 8 hours and 45 minutes. At a rate of $20 per hour, we estimate that Whitney saved approximately $175.

Time saved and equivalent dollar amount by Whitney, a Penciled AI agent, at Renew Physical Therapy

Between new revenue generated by filling last-minute cancellations and human labor costs saved, we estimate that Whitney captured $1,832.5 within the first week.

Based on this data, assuming 48 workweeks in a year, Whitney is projected to generate $87,960 in Renew PT’s San Francisco office.

At our baseline pricing , we project that Whitney will return 14.6X Renew PT’s investment per year.

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Generative AI voice agents for healthcare.

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© 2024 Penciled. All rights reserved.

Generative AI voice agents for healthcare.

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© 2024 Penciled. All rights reserved.

Generative AI voice agents for healthcare.

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© 2024 Penciled. All rights reserved.